Ms. Leniu's CSUSM Education Blog
"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." -- Nikos Kazantzakis
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
First Educational Chat: #ELLChat
My first Educational Chat was quite an experience. I participated in the #ELLCHAT, which took place on April 30, 2012. The topic was on getting English Language Learners to think critically. There was a lot of discussion on Bloom's Taxonomy and how asking higher order thinking questions is key to getting ELLs to think critically. The chat was very slow paced compared to other chats that I have heard other people participate in. Often times, I would try to contribute to the conversation, however, with very little experience on teaching ELLs, I found it difficult. There were many experts joining in on the conversation and they were helpful in giving us beginners, such as myself, strategies to utilize in the classroom. Overall, I believe the educational chats are beneficial in so many ways. I find myself utilizing this helpful tool more often to assist me in the classroom.
Teaching Credential: Hope for the Future
Last Semester in the Program
Just a little over a month left in the program and I am
excited to see where my credential will take me. I had thoughts of teaching out
of state considering how difficult it might be to look for a job here in Southern California . One of the teachers at Valley High
School gave me useful advice on the job hunt.
This teacher told me to find a job within the district in which I went to
school. Word has it that people have more luck finding a job where they went to
school. The Oceanside
Unified School
District will be my starting point and then I
will eventually expand to other local school districts. It would be such an
honor and privilege to end up teaching at El Camino High School, which is the
high school that I graduated from. It would be exciting to meet up with all the
amazing teachers that I have had in the past and who have been an inspiration
to me. I guess it all depends what the future holds as many would say.
Life During the Program
During one of the orientations to the credential program, I remember one of the coordinatorscommenting on how "rigorous" the single subject program will be. I took this comment lightly because I felt I was already prepared of what was yet to come. I thought long and hard about the determination and motivation it took to get my degrees. So, I thought the program can't possibly be as bad. During the first week of introductions, one of my professors gave us an assignment in which we were given a template to schedule our daily routines. We had to schedule for study time, family time and personal time. Again, I did not think the program could be as bad. I truly was optimistic during the first few weeks of course work. As I got into the groove of things, I discovered what "rigorous" mean.When I look back to that day in September to the time now, I think about the sacrifices I had to make to get me to this point. Many people who were in the program last semester did not make it to this semester and I have even witnessed some in tears due to the strain that the program has placed on their families. My family has even mentioned to me that they hardly see me anymore and that I am always studying. Of course, they took it personal and sometimes I would not even have time to even explain to them why. I do not even have time to do the things I am use to doing such as read the newspaper or enjoy reading a good book. This semester is much more different. I am trying not to work as hard and I have made effort to be with my family as much as I can. The end of the program is near and part of my success I definitely owe to my family. They have been caring, supportive and understanding throughout this process and they are the reason why I made it this far with the program.
TPA: Teacher Performance Assessment

Completing the last task of the TPA was such a relief for me
and I am sure it was for others as well. Throughout the program, the TPA was
definitely a challenge for me. It was something that I dreaded each time the
due dates were approaching because it was extremely lengthy, detailed and
repetitive. Each TPA that I have submitted numbered to almost forty seven pages. In sum, for
the TPA alone, I have written over two hundred pages of responses. I am sure others have
written that much, possibly more, as well. I have mixed feelings about the TPA.
Although the work was excruciating at times, the TPA definitely helped me with
differentiation strategies and also allowed me to think more critically on how
to plan instruction for a class with different types of learning needs. The repetition of the TPA taught me how important and crucial detail
is and I am just so relieved that the TPAs are over and done with.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Professional Learning Committee

My first experience with a Professional Learning Committee
meeting took place at Oceanside High School. Every Monday at 7:00am the
teachers meet up with their departments and discuss the progress of each
teacher’s class as well as discuss goals. From time to time, the assistant
principal or the principal will visit these meetings and offer assistance if
need be. The Professional Learning Committee meetings at Valley High School
occur every first Thursday of the month during first period, which lasts for 53
minutes. The students do not come to school until second period. All the
teachers meet in the lounge and review a list of students who either deserve or
does not deserve the opportunity to stay at Valley High School as a fifth year
student. The meeting is facilitated by the principal who calls out each name
from a list and each Connections teacher either says “yes” for the student to
resume as a student at Valley High School or “no” for the student to continue
their education at adult education. The Connections teachers of course have to
give reason behind their decision and sometimes there would be debates coming
from different teachers who have had the student. These experiences that I have gained from both
high schools gave me insight as to how the professional learning committees are
facilitated. I am looking forward to the meetings that I will encounter in the
near future as I begin my career as an English teacher.
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